
 Journal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences (JABS) 
The Journal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences (JABS) is the quarterly official journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences. 
The Journal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences (JABS) is an international peer-reviewed open-access quarterly journal in English devoted to the fields of basic medical sciences, biomedicine, and paramedicine (the intersection of health care, public health, and public safety), published by the Fasa University of Medical Sciences. JABS publishes high-quality articles in English and requests authors to submit their manuscripts online.
 The maximum time for the initial review of articles submitted to the JABS is less than two weeks.

  Editor in chief: Mohammad Hassan Meshkibaf (Prof)
  Executive Managers: Ghader Allahverdi 
  Manager: Zahra Piran

 English Editor: Ali Taghinezhad
 Technical Editor: Abdolmajid Ghasemian
  Online ISSN: 2783-1523
  Former ISSN: 2228-5105

  Indexing & Abstracting: EBSCO, EBSCOhostChemical Abstracts, DOAJMIAR, ISC, SIDMagIranGoogle Scholar, ResearchGate, etc.
  Journal Office Address: Journal office, Deputy of Research, Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran
  Journal E-mail: journalfums.ac.ir
  Publisher: Fasa University of Medical Sciences
  Owner: Fasa University of Medical Sciences 
  Contact us: +98 715 3102301
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Journal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences

2024، Volume 14، Number 2

Print ISSN:

Online ISSN: 2783-1523

Director-in-Charge: Mohammad Hassan Meshkibaf

Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Hassan Meshkibaf

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024, Volume 14, Number 2
  • Online ISSN: 2783-1523
  • Director-in-Charge: Mohammad Hassan Meshkibaf
  • Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Hassan Meshkibaf
  • Publisher: Fasa University of Medical Sciences

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